works on paper
a collection of my past
analoge fotografie, dias, klebeband, skizzenpapier 145 × 450 cm
ein blick oder doch ein einblick vergangenes erinnert zusammengeklebt schwarz weiss grau töne dazwischen eine blume von damals auch das blut ungesehenes wiederbelebt verschachtelt noch immer ein zwiespalt gekritzelt ein bein mit spuren lose linien diagonal oder doch parallel gegenueber unverholen verstrickt eine skizze verklebt das selbst rezykliert
wortleeren I + II
skizzenpapier, bleistift, tote Insekten 108 × 78 × 211 cm
unter die lupe nehmen verwesenes wesen ist gewesen verrottet mit einem paar beinen fluegel wachsen lassen im verderben gestrandet mit vielen leeren worten haltlos eingeklemmt im dazwischen umgekehrt von dem was ist losgelassen eine sammlung tiefgefroren im tauwetter eine verbannung unbestäubt ein summen von damals unerkannt
dear all,
i hope this finds you as well as possible in these upside down times.
there are a lot of great online projects going on in terms of art and music and dance and performance during these corona times. that and what i am doing right now made me think i would like to go analog. the virus is an analog one too, after all.
i got to new york the last day before europeans were not allowed in anymore. here i am to go through my things to see what has served its purpose and is ready to start a new life either in the garbage, the recycling bin or in a new home and what is worth to be shipped over. interesting what makes it into the worth and what not!
thus i came across a box of postcards.
postcards should be in the mail, not in a box. that made me think of doing a mail project.
send me your address and you will receive a personal corona-mail in your mailbox.
looking forward to receiving your address!
and on another note, as some of you know i am also teaching yoga and meditation. i started to lead an online daily kundalini breathing and a chanting meditation. let me know if you would like more information about it.
stay safe, stay healthy!
love and light, peace and healing to all